Wednesday, 18 October 2017

SR-10 Jet Trainer Aircraft

Sergey Lukoyanov

A prototype of the SR-10 single-engine light aerobatic jet trainer aircraft made its first test flight in December 2015. The trainer airplane is designed by Modern Aviation Technologies (KB SAT) design bureau to meet the pilot training requirements of the Russian Air Force and private aircraft operators.

The aircraft is intended to provide elementary and intermediate flight training for future military fighter aircraft pilots, athletes and amateur pilots.

Tests on the light trainer plane are currently underway at the Gromov Flight Research Center in Moscow and the mass production is expected to start in 2017.
According to the design bureau, a flight hour aboard the SR-10 trainer costs $2,500, which is three times cheaper compared to a flight hour aboard the Yak-130 plane, which is worth $8,000.

The Modern Aviation Technologies Design Bureau can deliver up to 100 SR-10 trainers to the Russian Aerospace Force. Source:

Development of the light aerobatic jet trainer

Development of the aircraft began in 2007. A mock-up of the aircraft was demonstrated at the MAKS-2009 International Aviation and Space Show held in Zhukovsky, Russia, in August 2009. The aircraft was officially rolled out in August 2015.

MAKS airshow in 2009


The initiative to develop the perspective of the training and aerobatic aircraft was launched KB SAT in 2007. The name of the CP-10 means - jet aircraft, with swept wings "-10 °".
Appointment CF CP-10 - the implementation of the basic flight training for future military aircraft pilots, as well as the training of pilots, athletes and amateur pilots light jets.

The main stages of implementation of the "SR-10":
  • 2007 - The birth of the concept, the beginning of conceptual design.
  • August 2009 - a demonstration of the international air show MAKS-2009 full-size aircraft layout.
  • March 2014 - Participation aircraft project "CP-10" in the open competition of the Russian Defense Ministry on the plane of initial training.
  • August 23, 2015 - Solemn roll-out of the plane "CP-10" out of the assembly hall in the presence of representatives of the Ministry of Defense and the aviation industry of Russia.
  • December 25, 2015 - the first flight of "CP-10".

During the maiden flight, KB SAT assessed the stability, controllability, flight characteristics, and operation of onboard systems and equipment.


December 25, 2015 made the first flight of a prototype light jet training aircraft "SR-10" created in the design office "Modern aviation technologies."
During the flight under the program of the first departure qualitative assessment has been performed:

  • Some flight characteristics;
  • stability and controllability;
  • operation of systems and equipment.
Review test pilot aircraft proved to be a dynamic and pleasant to pilot.
Characteristics of the aircraft on the execution mode appropriate to a calculation, equipment and systems are operating normally.

Flight, which are prepared and which we all have been waiting for, was remarkably casually. The car behaved obediently, although it is clear that in its flight qualities airplane has great potential and the main work still lies ahead. Source:

SR 10 New Russian jet trainer First fight

The Russian Ministry of Defence is expected allocate up to RUR2.5bn (approximately $34m) for the SR-10 jet trainer development project. A total of 16 units are planned to be procured for the Russian Air Force.

Russia’s MoD is to continue funding & support to SR-10 forward-swept-wing jet trainer: Here


Moscow. the 14 th of July. AviaPort – Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation considered it appropriate to continue the work on the creation of a light jet of the training aircraft (CF) CP-10 Development LLC “Design Bureau” Modern aviation technologies “(KB” CAT “), said” AviaPort “an informed source in the defense . industrial complex According to him, at the June meeting, the decision on whether to continue the development of promising light of the training aircraft SR-10 (SR-10 – the plane jet with forward-swept at 10 degrees). in pursuance of this decision should be taken to provide scientific and technical support for new development and strengthening control over its execution. also, the meeting decided to hold the next year’s state joint tests (ICG) SR-10. The interviewee recalled that the December 25, 2015 the first aircraft SR-10 made its first and second flights, conducted in the air 40 and 20 minutes, respectively. As of today, the developer completed the stage of factory tests aircraft SR-10 and began the stage of preliminary tests in May this year (PI) with a holding of about 30 test flights at the agreed with the representatives of the Ministry of Defence program. Expected completion of Phase PI for about the end of July-August this year, after which the aircraft completion by the results of the tests will be carried out with the introduction of some of the required changes.

Training aircraft production SR-10 will begin at the end of 2017: Here


The first primary trainer aircraft SR-10 for the Russian aerospace forces will be released at the end of 2017, by 2020 it is planned to transfer to the test batch of about 20 vehicles. ToldTASS representative of the design bureau “Modern aviation technologies” ( “CAT”), where he developed the SR-10.

“Production of the first machine is scheduled for the end of 2017. According to the plans of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2018-2019 a pilot batch of aircraft, about 20 machines that will be submitted to the state testing should be released. Then start serial production” – The spokesman said.

SR-10 trainer aircraft design and features

Евгений Лебедев
Евгений Лебедев
Евгений Лебедев

The SR-10 monoplane jet trainer aircraft is made of modern composite materials. It features aerodynamic design, which enhances the safety during aerobatic manoeuvres at high altitudes.

It has an overall length of 9.59m and a wing span of 8.40m. The main wings, fitted to the middle section of the fuselage, are swept forward at an angle of 10°. The flight control surfaces such as ailerons and flaps, which are attached to the trailing edges of the wings, help provide safe flight.

The tail assembly has one vertical stabiliser and twin horizontal stabilisers. A rudder hinged to the vertical stabiliser allows stable flight.

The aircraft is fitted with a retractable tri-cycle landing gear comprising a single wheel attached to the nose and two main wheels underneath the fuselage.

Евгений Лебедев

Cabin aboard the SR-10

The flight training and aerobatic aircraft is built with a double cabin, providing comfortable working conditions. It accommodates two crew members, pilot and instructor, with dual controls in tandem configuration. The pilots have an unobstructed view through a large canopy.



"The aircraft is intended to provide elementary and intermediate flight training for future military fighter aircraft pilots, athletes and amateur pilots."

The ejection seats of Class 0-0 provide safety to the crew in emergency, while the built-in flight control system is user-friendly.

The aircraft is equipped with catapult chairs K-93. Together with the protective equipment the chairs provide safe escaping of the crew from the aircraft at speeds up to 950 km/h within the limits of operational range of altitudes, including modes V=0, H=0. Automatic devices of the chairs provide safe escaping of the crew from the aircraft for both one and two people. Generally, the technical characteristics of the aircraft and its aircraft performance characteristics conform to the world level. Source:

Propulsion details

Sergey Lukoyanov

A rear-mounted AI-25TL turbofan engine, manufactured by Ivchenko Progress, powers the prototype of the SR-10 trainer airplane. The production aircraft will be powered by a 1.95m-long AL-55 turbofan engine developed by NPO Saturn.

The AI-25TL has a thrust of 3,792lb, while the AL-55 generates a take-off thrust of 3,880lb.

AI-25TL turbofan engine


Designed for the installation on trainers, combat trainers, and light attack aircraft in the class of take-off weight up to 4700 kg. Installed on the L-39 trainer (AI-25TLK to power the JL-8, K-8J aircraft). In commercial production since 1973.


AL-55 turbofan engine

AL-55 – turbofan engine for advanced trainers and light attack aircraft.

Design features
• 3 stages low pressure compressor
• 5 stages high pressure compressor
• annular combustion chamber
• 1 stage high pressure turbine
• 1 stage low pressure turbine

On the base of AL-55 engine NPO Saturn has created the АL-55I engine for HJT-36 basic trainer developed by HAL Corporation (India). The first flight of HJT-36 trainer was on May 9, 2009. The organization of the AL-55I licensed serial production in India is under way.

• advanced design solutions and materials, including AL-31F/FP and 117S engine family derived ones
• modular design provides high maintainability and lower operating cost
• advanced engine automatic control system provides flight safety and high diagnostic capability



SR-10 jet trainer performance

The take-off and landing airspeeds of the jet trainer are 190km/h and 185km/h respectively and the rate of climb is 60m/s. The aircraft has a maximum manoeuvrable speed of 700km/h, maximum airspeed of 900km/h, cruise speed of 520km/h, and maximum bank rotational speed of 7r/s. It can reach up to an altitude of 6km and fly up to a range of 1,500km.

The maximum take-off and landing weights of the trainer aircraft are 2,700kg and 2,000kg respectively. The aircraft is capable of performing manoeuvres with G-limits of +8G to -6G.

Main material source: