Monday, 17 July 2017

Russia Future PAK DP (MiG 41) Long Range Interceptor

It was reported in September 2015 that Russia were to develop the Future PAK DP Long Range Interceptor Development which were to Start From 2019.

Research and development for the creation of a new generation long-range interceptor-fighter to replace Russia's MiG-31 "Foxhound" will begin no earlier than 2019, the commander in chief of Russia’s Air and Space Forces, Colonel-General Viktor Bondarev said. "Research and development for creating a long-range interceptor of the future will begin no earlier than 2019," he said.

"The deadlines for research and development to create a long-range interceptor will not affect the condition of the Air and Space Forces’ interceptor-fighter fleet," Bondarev promised. Source:

Sputnik reported in June 2017 that MiG was working to develop a replacement for the MiG-31 fighter-interceptor.

MiG Corporation is busy working to develop a replacement for the MiG-31 fighter-interceptor, company general director Ilya Tarasenko has revealed. The company head also indicated that the company is actively working on creating a multipurpose military drone.

Speaking to Russia's Kommersant newspaper, Tarasenko explained that the company has divided its business into three main clusters.

"The first involves the modernization of aircraft which had been delivered to the customer earlier," he said. "In other words, we can modernize them in such a way as to bring their characteristics as close as possible to fifth generation aircraft."

"The second area, which we are proposing to our customers, and on which we are proactively working, is a prospective long-range interceptor aircraft," Tarasenko added.

Tarasenko said that work on the new aircraft is already underway, even as the company continues to fulfill its commitments to modernize Russia's fleet of Mig-31 fighter-interceptors. According to the official, the company hopes to have a new plane ready by the time the next prospective modernization of the MiG-31 rolls around. "That's our plan," he said.

The MiG-31 is a long-range supersonic fighter-interceptor, designed for use against both high and low-altitude airborne targets. The plane was first introduced with the Soviet military in 1980, and its mass production continued until 1994. MiG Corporation is currently fulfilling a contract to modernize the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces' existing fleet of MiG-31s. The military expects for the planes to remain in service until at least 2030.

Dmitri Drozdenko, military expert and deputy chief editor of Arsenal of the Fatherland, a Russian military affairs magazine, told Radio Sputnik that even though it was only natural for MiG to work on new designs, the MiG-31 has quite a bit of juice left in it.

"The [existing] MiGs are undergoing modernization, so these machines will continue to serve for a while yet," the expert explained. "The MiG-31 has a very large reserve [of potential] left in it; it's an excellent aircraft, and very formidable. The plane retained all the best qualities from [its predecessor,] the MiG-25; initially, its task was to allow several formations to close off the country's entire northern flank to enemy missiles and aircraft traveling at high altitudes and high speeds. In addition, these aircraft are capable of working in groups, exchanging information while in flight."

Drozdenko noted that by the time the MiG-31 requires its next modernization, a new aircraft built on new principles must be ready to take its place. "This new plane will likely be able to fly to near space, and may perhaps have hypersonic capabilities."

In any case, the analyst emphasized that Russian aircraft designers are not standing in place, and are building on their earlier work.

"[MiG-31s] are not attack aircraft; they are aircraft for defense. Their task is to defend our airspace from enemy aircraft and cruise missiles. Naturally, this is very important for a country like ours, because we have very large borders and a vast airspace, and just covering them with air defense systems like the S-300 or S-400 on our borders is just impossible. Therefore, our aviation does not stand in place; we have preserved the groundwork of past years, and are moving into the future," Drozdenko concluded. Source:

The requirements for the new interceptor can be found on Russian websites which states the following:

... Speed newest Russian interceptor MIG-41, developed on the basis of MIG-31 should exceed Mach 4, said test pilot Anatoly Kvochur.
This upgrade was to take place even 20 years ago. However, this did not happen, so now the requirements are increased. They are including in the (increasing) interceptor speeds of up to Mach 4-4.3 "- Kvochur said, RIA" Novosti ".

So he commented on the State Duma deputy Alexander Tarnaeva message that in Russia developed a new fighter MiG-41 on the basis of heavy fighter-interceptor MiG-31, whose speed was Mach 2.8.

For comparison strategic supersonic scout USAF Lockheed SR-71 speeds up to Mach 3.2.

... The General Staff decided to set up on the basis of the MiG-31, the new MiG-41.
Chief of General Staff issued an order to carry out research work on creation on the basis of a fighter-interceptor MiG-31, the new MiG-41.

Member of the State Duma defense committee deputy Alexander Tarnaev said that the decision taken in the new MiG-41 will be embodied all the virtues of the MiG-31.


RuAF expects MiG-41 (PAK DP) to go into service in 2025-2026

Source: KURYER

Mikoyan MiG-31: Details