China’s Z-19 Installed with Millimeter-wave
Radar like US AH-64E
Posted: September 15, 2017 says a new version of China’s Z-19 attack
helicopter was in display on September 14 when the 4th China Helicopter
Exposition opened. The Z-19 has a mystic round box on top of its rotating wing
similar to that of US AH-64E Longbow Apache. It is believed that like AH-64E,
Z-19 has installed a millimeter-wave radar.
Source: “Helicopter Exposition: A mystic
device appears on top of the rotating wing of Z-19” (summary by Chan Kai Yee
based on the report in Chinese)
Original post:
The millimeter wave (MMW) fire-control radar (FCR)
Sources say that PLA’s Z-10 will also be upgraded by the
installation of a millimeter wave radar. As a result, China will be the third
country in the world to have equipped its armed helicopters with millimeter
wave radar.
The millimeter wave (MMW) fire-control radar (FCR) for
Z-10 is developed by China Northern Electronic Co. (中国北方电子公司), a
subsidiary of Norinco. This MMW FCR is fully solid state and fully digitized,
weighing 69.5 kg, less than half of similar former Soviet system. In
comparison, both the Russian Arabelet / FH-101 MMW FCR used on Kamov Ka-50N and
the Ukrainian Khinzhal MMW FCR used on Mil Mi-28N weight around 150 kg.
In contrast to Russian system that uses two antennas, the
Chinese MMW FCR adopts western approach of using a single antenna, similar to
AN/APG-78 used for AH-64D Apache Longbow. The radar is designated as YH, short
for Yu Huo (浴火), meaning bathing in
fire. YH MMW FCR is fully integrated with other subsystems of the onboard
electronic warfare system, such as radar warning receivers (RWR), laser warning
receivers (LWR), electronic support measures (ESM), and electronic
countermeasures (ECM), with the entire EW system on board Z-10 named after the
radar. Source: