Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Will The Thai Government Build Kra Canal?


Last update: 24/09/2017  

By Mohd Haikal Mohd Isa

BANGKOK, Sept 24 (Bernama) -- For more than 300 years, the question of whether to build the Kra Canal or not has been discussed and deliberated repeatedly in Thailand without any firm decision taken on the controversial multi-billion dollar project.

As China's One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiatives gained acceptance among the regional economies, there seems to be a new and coordinated drive among proponents of the project to push for Kra Canal's speedy realisation.

During the recently-held 'International Conference on Technology for Sustainable Paths to Thailand's Future. Kra Canal', several of China's experts as expected, were the most enthusiastic group in lobbying the Thai government to give its blessings on the proposed 130km-long canal.

They argued that the Kra Canal or Thai Canal as it is known now, would save shipping cost and valuable time as the canal linking the Indian and Pacific Oceans would cut more than 1,200 km or "two to three days" of a ship's journey without traversing the narrow and congested Malacca Straits.

The Chinese experts wanted Bangkok's military-led government "to stop wasting any more time" and to immediately start a feasibility study on the canal, as the first step into fulfilling more than 300 years of a long-awaited dream.

"After China proposed the initiative (OBOR), many people in Thailand generally believe that the opportunity to build the canal is coming. The initiative provides a golden opportunity for the Kra Isthmus Canal.

"As the development of the Kra Canal is of great significance to Thailand, it is recommended that the relevant departments in Thailand start the feasibility study as soon as possible," said Prof Zhou Dawei from Peking University when tabling a paper entitled, 'The Kra Canal under the Belt and Road Initiative' at the conference.

Another expert, Dr Jingsong Zhao in calling for the construction of Kra Canal, said the canal would bring immense benefit to the country and turn it as the new international shipping hub by clustering shipping, trade and financial services in Thailand.

The Kra Canal project, according to him, is a "great century project" and would bring significant impact to Thailand not only in the economy, politics, science and technology but would also be strategic in the maritime domain as it connects the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean.

Despite the rosy assessment of Kra Canal from its proponents, critics of the project have "punched a hole" into its economic viability as the canal, located in southern Thailand's Kra Isthmus, according to them, would only save 1,200 km of sea journey, compared to "saving" 10,000 km for the Suez Canal and 7,000 km for the Panama Canal.

The economic benefits would be negligible, they said.

The critics have always counter-argued the economic benefits from Kra Canal as "too small" to justify its exorbitant price tag, with experts estimating the 130km-long canal to cost between US$30 billion to US$50 billion or more to build, depending on the width, depth and route of the canal.

Meanwhile, Kra Canal Study Team head, Pakdee Tanapura has allayed the much talked about fears of the possible negative impacts of the canal on regional countries, especially Singapore which depend heavily on maritime trade.

While Thailand will derive many economic advantages associated with the construction of Kra Canal, the multiplier effect from the mammoth project, according to him, will be too enormous and benefit the whole South-East Asian economy.

"South-East Asia will be the economic hub of of the world," said the long-time advocator of the Kra Canal.

Despite the fears of its impact to neighbouring countries, Pakdee said finding an alternative shipping route to Malacca Straits was actually long overdue as the straits where 20 percent of world's trade passed was just "several more years" from nearing its saturation point.

He cited a study by the Maritime Institute of Malaysia (MIMA) which pointed out that the straits could only accommodate a maximum quantity of 122,000 ships per year, while the World Bank estimated that 122,640 ships would navigate the straits by 2020.

The Kra Canal, he said, would divert much of the current congestion in the straits and minimise the risk of ship collisions as what happened between the United States' Arleigh Burke guided-missile destroyer, USS John S.McCain and Liberia-registered merchant vessel last month, which killed 10 US navy personnel.


Original post: bernama.com

Kra Canal The Development of Southeast Asia

Published on Sep 23, 2013

The concept of cutting a canal through the Kra Peninsula in southern Thailand has been a conception in the minds of visionary thinkers for hundreds of years. In the early 1980s, it nearly came to fruition, as associates of Lyndon LaRouche, including especially Pakdee Tanapura of Thailand, mobilized leaders of the Thai government, American scientific institutions, Japan’s Mitsubishi Global Infrastructure Fund (GIF), and leaders from every major country in the region (except Singapore and China) to two conferences in Bangkok dedicated to implementing this great project to unite the Pacific and Indian Ocean Basins via a canal.
            But the British Empire has repeatedly, throughout history, acted to stop the building of the Kra Canal – both because they wanted to maintain the strategic choke point over Asian trade which they enjoyed through their colonial outpost in Singapore and the Malacca Strait, but primarily because such a project would facilitate cooperation among the Asian nations for mutual development and resistance to western imperial dictates– a result to be feared and undermined by the Empire.
            Financial and political crises in the 1990s, caused by British financial interests and their lackeys such as George Soros, prevented the implementation of the Kra Canal project during the final decades of the 20th Century and early 21st Century. But now the world is experiencing a global revolutionary transformation, and the British Empire, including its puppet Bush and Obama regimes in Washington, is facing dissolution. A new paradigm has emerged, centered in China, bringing Russia, India, Southeast Asia, and potentially the entire world into its development orientation, the “win-win” perspective of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s New Silk Road perspective, known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
            In South and Southeast Asia, China’s “21st Century Maritime Silk Road” concept (map), introduced by President Xi in 2013 while speaking to the Indonesian Parliament, has already brought the nations along the South China Sea, the Malacca Strait, the Andaman Sea, the Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea, and through the Suez Canal to the Mediterranean, into an entirely new economic and political geometry based on rapid infrastructure development.
            But missing in this geometry has been the hub represented by the potential of the Kra Canal. Now that potential is very close to realization, as the entire Asian region is breaking away from British/American constraints, and acting in its own interests to facilitate win-win development for all parties. At the same time, leading political forces in Thailand are now in a position to launch the project.

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