Friday, 29 September 2017

KAI to conclude an export contract with Argentina for 600 billion won for 12 FA- 50

RoKAF_T-50_Golden_Eagle - Image from the net

[Separate] KAI contracted for export of 60 billion FA-50 with ARCHEN in December ..

Enter the article 2017.09.28 at 4:52 pm
Last modified 2017.09.28 at 7:39 pm

Korea Aerospace Industries ( KAI ) will conclude an export contract with Argentina for an export of 600 billion won for the FA- 50. KAI and the Korean government agreed to complete the contract by December , with the South Korean government to export 12 FA- 50s…….Read rest of article: HERE

Related artcles:

KAI T-50 and FA-50 Golden Eagle: Details