Monday, 23 September 2019

BAE Gets $495M Modification on Air Force Radar Warning Receiver Upgrade Contract


BAE Gets $495M Modification on Air Force Radar Warning Receiver Upgrade Contract – GovCon Wire

BAE Systems has received a $494.9M contract modification from the Defense Logistics Agency to provide additional components for digital updates to the U.S. Air Force’s aircraft radar warning receiver system.

The award modifies a potential 10-year contract and covers the delivery of high-band receivers and receiver/processors for the ALR-56 RWR technology, the Department of Defense said Thursday.

ALR-56C systems, which are installed in USAF’s F-15A/E jets, work by detecting and identifying threat radars of airborne or ground-based weapons. The updated receiver can integrate with jamming, countermeasures and avionics equipment.

Work under the modification will take place in New Hampshire and New Jersey through Dec. 27, 2025. The DLA will obligate fiscal 2019 and 2020 defense working capital funds for the fixed-price and cost-reimbursement modification.

ALR-56C systems


F-15E / Advanced F-15 (2040c): Details