Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Additional information on the SVP 24 targeting system on the Su-33

A little more information about the CWP-24 "Hephaestus" on the Su-33

At the MAKS-2017 air show, I visited the booth where this system was presented.

As you can see, the line-of-sight indicator (IPV) has been replaced with a multi-function display with a push-button frame. In the future, it is expected that the ILS will be replaced by a more advanced one.

He asked the guys from Hephaestus to throw the VTSU on the plane.

The third photo shows the process of obtaining target designation from TAVKR by Kuznetsov (it is also possible to obtain from other sources).

The coordinates of the target are shown in the upper left part of the screen, as well as from whom the target designation was received.

The top right of the screen indicates the type of the target (in this case, the "aerodrome"), the distance and the course to the target. In this case, the target on the map is not indicated - as it is outside the screen.

The 2nd photo shows an element on the MFD (orange arrow on a black background), showing the pilot the direction to the target.

*Note translation by Google may not be correct see original text below

Еще немного информации о CВП -24 "Гефест" на Су-33.

На авиасалоне МАКС-2017 посетил стенд, на котором была представлена эта система.

Как видно индикатор прямой видимости (ИПВ) был заменен на многофункциональный дисплей с кнопочным обрамлением. В дальнейшем ожидается и замена ИЛС, на более совершенный.
Попросил ребят из "Гефеста" кинуть ВЦУ на самолёте.
На 3-ей фотографии показан процесс получения самолётом целеуказания от ТАВКР Кузнецов (возможно получение и от других источников).
В левой верхней части экрана показываются координаты цели,а так же от кого было получено целеуказание.
В правой верхней части экрана обозначен тип цели (в данном случае - "аэродром"), дистанция и курс до цели. В данном случае цель на карте не обозначена - так как находится за пределами экрана.
На 2-ой фотографии показан элемент на МФД (оранжевая стрелка на черном фоне), показывающий летчику направление на цель.

Recently another 1 Su-33 (b / n 62) was equipped with this system.

The SVP-24 is tasked with determining the optimal trajectory for the release of a bomb, using the plane's location, flight parameters and target data. It has already made a good showing during Russia's counterterrorism campaign in the embattled Arab country.

"The Su-24s outfitted with the SVP-24 have become the workhorse of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria," defense analyst Anton Lavrov told the newspaper, adding that the system is a viable alternative to GPS-guided munition popular in the West.

Moreover, the Russian solution is cheaper than similar products developed elsewhere.

An American military analyst, known as The Saker, explained how this system works.

The SVP-24 compares the position of the aircraft and the target and measures the environmental parameters, including humidity, windspeed, angle of attack, etc. It can receive additional data from AWAC aircraft, ground stations and other planes. 

The system then "computes an 'envelope' (speed, altitude, course) inside which the dumb bombs are automatically released exactly at the precise moment when their unguided flight will bring them right over the target (with a 3-5m accuracy)," the analyst added.

"In practical terms this means that every 30+ year old Russian 'dumb' bomb can now be delivered by a 30+ year old Russian aircraft with the same precision as a brand new guided bomb delivered by a top of the line modern bomber," the expert noted.

Su-33 Flanker-D: Details