Monday, 21 August 2017

Russian Navy Special Forces to Receive P-650 Midget Submarines

Monday, 21 August 2017 09:36

The Russian Navy’s special operations forces (SOF) will receive the newest P-650 special-purpose midget submarines. These ships display just 720 tons and will be able to covertly deliver special-purpose and SOF groups to the shore and retrieve them. The submarine was designed by the Malakhit Special Marine Engineering Design Bureau. According to experts, it will be a response to the introduction of submarines converted by the U.S. Navy into SOF platforms, the newspaper Izvestia reported…..Read rest of article: HERE

P-650 special-purpose midget submarine -

It provides for the installation of torpedo tubes to exit the marine commandos, as well as a special compartment with airlock chamber to bring them on Board. The ship has a modular design that can further place various types of cruise missiles, torpedoes, bottom min. So the submarine can not only perform a delicate mission, but working as a patrol ship, destroy missiles, and torpedoes single ships or targets on shore, to lead a secretive technical intelligence, to give indication to other ships in the group, said lead designer of design Bureau Viktor Karavaev.PL has a length of 55 m and a width of 6.4 m, the maximum diving depth – 300 m range – 2 thousand nautical miles, the crew – 9 people. Can take on Board up to 6 combat swimmers. Source:

P-650 special-purpose midget submarine -
