Friday, 18 August 2017

UkroBoronProm unveils T-72AMT

James Bingham - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

14 August 2017

Ukraine’s defence export agency UkroBoronProm has unveiled a new upgraded variant of the T-72 main battle tank (MBT) known as the T-72AMT. Developed as a private venture by the Kiev Armoured Plant, the new design incorporates a number of lethality, survivability and systems enhancements. Testing of this upgraded version is due to begin by the end of August.

The T-72AMT has been adapted to fire the 125 mm Kombat (Combat) gun-fired laser-guided missile, which is capable of penetrating 550 mm of armour itself protected by explosive reactive armour (ERA). Equipped with a tandem warhead, the missile is also operable with Ukraine’s BM Oplot and T-84 MBTs and is guided by the gunner using semi-automatic command to line-of-sight guidance. The sighting and guidance unit for this is mounted on the top of the turret, to the left side of the main gun sight.

Slat armour is mounted around the rear of the turret, as well as on the rear portion of the vehicle, providing additional protection for the engine, transmission and other components against shaped-charge weapons such as rocket-propelled grenades. Nozh (Knife) ERA is mounted over the front of the tank using linear-shaped charges to degrade the impact of incoming shaped-charge anti-tank projectiles.

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UKKROBORONPROM SE "Kiev Armored Plant" – using net working capital – developed T-72A modernization up to T-72AMT. In the given sample, maximum attention was paid to experience, Ukrainian troops received in the ATO zone. This allowed to make the vehicle more protected and efficient.

During the ATO, UOP armored plants transferred 130 restored and modernized T-72 tanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The given vehicle effectively oppose Russian military equipment, aimed at strengthening of the terrorists in the East of our country.

Specialists of the "Kyiv Armored Plant" reinforced T-72AMT with new generation dynamic protection – "Knife", which is already used in Bulat and Oplot tanks. This dynamic protection negates enemy’s HEAT and KEP – the main means for destroying tanks. It is also effective against EFP.

For additional protection, T-72 AMT is equipped with anti-cumulative gratings, "cutting" HEAT and protecting the most vulnerable zones of the tank. Effectiveness of such protection has been repeatedly proved during combat operations, not only in the ATO zone, but also worldwide.

The tank is equipped with night vision devices with modern third-generation image intensifiers, installed for all crew members. In addition, the gunner received night vision sight, allowing to fire GM "Combat". The given GM is developed by UOP SE “State Kyiv Design Bureau “Luch”; it has a semi-automatic guidance by laser beam and can penetrate 750 mm armor at the distance of 5 km; tandem main part allows to overcome dynamic protection. "Combat" power is enough to destroy even the most protected enemy tanks.

New digital radio stations from the Turkish company Aselsan and Ukrainian "Lybid K2" will not only enhance communication quality, but also will protect it. Besides, these radio stations allow tank crews to maintain direct contact with infantry units, which is of great importance for battlefield interaction. In addition, T-72AMT modification received modern satellite navigation equipment. Improvement of the crew environment is another aspect of modernization. Even an ordinary rear view camera greatly facilitates driver’s work.

"We made this T-72 AMT modification, basing on the needs and experience of Ukrainian fighters. And we did it at the expense of our plant, with the intention to make the most efficient use of available spares. At "Kiev Armored Plant", as well as at other UOP enterprises, we constantly cooperate with the military, we established dialog and an exchange of ideas. Today T-72 AMT is transferred to one of the military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. On the Independence Day, this combat vehicle will be demonstrated in the center of Kiev, where everyone will have a chance to see it. After the official part, T-72 AMT will be sent to a special proving ground, where appropriate tests will be conducted to test all the systems ", – said the director of the plant Vadim Shkavro. Source