Sunday, 13 August 2017

First documented destruction of UAE Army NIMR-35 MARP in Yemen


It looks like the 4x4...........

Below images of damaged NIMR-35 from Yemen earlier exhibited at INDEX 2017 but I guess this time it wasn't hit by bullets but ATGM......Kaput!

IDEX 2017: Battle-damaged Nimr Jais MRAP on display


The N35 is a wheeled armored vehicle formerly known as the RG-35, developed by BAE Systems Land Systems South Africa (in July 2015, the company was renamed Denel Vehicle Systems or DVS). In November 2015 DVS signed a contract for the transfer of RG-35 to NIMR Automotive from the UAE. After that, the car was renamed to N35. The terms of the contract assumed that the first batch of cars would be manufactured in South Africa at DVS facilities, and gradually assembly and production of the main components would be transferred to the UAE, to the NIMR Automotive plant.

At IDEX 2017, a version was presented, manufactured at a factory in the UAE under the name JAIS.

N35 has a modular design, which allows you to create a family of machines on its basis, and has two versions - with the wheel formula 4x4 and 6x6, N35-4 and N35-6, respectively.

N35-4 is a very mobile armored vehicle with a 4x4 wheel formula with ballistic and mine protection. The machine provides a high level of protection of motorized infantry from mine explosion, has a high specific power, modularity and load-carrying capacity.

N35 provides the necessary balance between firepower, survivability, mobility and cost.

The machine can accommodate a full motorized infantry unit, as well as a guided turret or remote weapon system.

N35 provides cost-effective solutions for performing reconnaissance, patrol, universal and specialized tasks.

Key features:
  • Proven survivability
  • Compactness
  • Large internal volume
  • High mobility
  • Modern suspension and transmission
  • High specific power
  • Modularity
  • Excellent situational awareness
  • Upgradeability
Available options:
  • 4-speed ride height adjustment with display
  • Fire extinguishing system (crew and engine compartment)
  • Battery Monitoring / Battery Management System
  • Monitoring and Diagnostics System