Friday, 4 October 2019

Future ARA Bouchard Undocked at Toulon

Future ARA Bouchard Undocked at Toulon – SeaWaves – the BEST naval news since 1995

October 1, 2019 (Google Translation) – As a result of the favorable progress of the works carried out on the OPV, which will be baptized as ARA “Bouchard”, yesterday the filling of the care dam to return it to its enlistment dock began. The dike where the unit was subjected to repairs is part of the base that the French National Navy has in Toulon, in southern France.

During the permanence the covering system (paint) of the hull has been totally renewed, as well as the sacrificial anodes that are used as a protection measure against galvanic currents and their corrosive effects.

One of the essential tasks during the entrance to the dike was precisely related to work on the propellers, so the Naval Group has decided to renew the entire propulsion train from the main engines. This involved changing the gearbox, shaft lines and propellers, as well as all associated auxiliaries (for example, hydraulic pumps).

Meanwhile, on October 7 the first group of the endowment will arrive in Toulon, to begin the courses that will allow the operation and basic maintenance of the ship. Everything is coordinated through the Naval Group University, including the presence of instructors from all the component parts of the unit, who will go from different parts of France and Europe, avoiding the displacement of sailors to take advantage, to the greatest extent possible, Your stay there. As soon as the theoretical courses in the classroom are finished, practices will be done on board, both in port and in navigation. For the latter, Naval Group has an instructional endowment.

In the next few days, the milestones 2 and 3 will be certified in the cities of Lorient and Concarneau (Brittany, France), where simultaneously the construction of two of the three new ships is progressing. The forecast is to have these two ships referred to at the end of 2020 in Argentina.

L’Adroit Renamed ARA Hipólito Bouchard
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