Sunday, 23 September 2018

Damen, Saab compete for Brazilian corvette project

A version of the combat ship SIGMA 10514 is being proposed for Brazilian Tamandaré-class project. Source: Damen

Victor Barreira, Istanbul - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

21 September 2018

The Dutch shipbuilder Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding and Swedish major Saab have formed the Damen Saab Tamandar? consortium to compete to build four Tamandar?-class multi-purpose ships for the Brazilian Navy in a proposal that includes significant transfer of technology (ToT) and offsets.

Brazil is requiring competitors to include local shipbuilding participation and, under the Damen Saab Tamandar? proposal, the vessels will be built according to the modular building strategy, the consortium told Jane's . Two modules of the six will come from Europe for the first ship, and consequently the ship will be fully assembled in Brazil by Wilson Sons Estaleiros. Damen Saab Tamandar? anticipates that after the first ship all modules will be built and assembled in Brazil.

Damen will follow the similar shipbuilding template as Mexico’s SIGMA 10514, locally designated as Patrulla Oce?nica de Largo Alcance (POLA). Two modules were built by Damen in the Netherlands and four modules were processed at a Mexican Navy shipyard, which is where final assembly also took place.

The consortium is partnering with various local companies including Wilson Sons Estaleiros, Akaer, Consub Defesa e Tecnologia, and WEG offering the proven modular combat ship design SIGMA 10514. Also new suppliers will be given the opportunity to become partners if the consortium is selected by Brazil to build the ships.

“We are confident of the Damen-Saab co-operation with strong Brazilian partners and we believe it will guarantee that we will meet customer requirements,” the consortium told Jane’s . “This combined experience will support the Brazilian Navy in locally establishing an industrial base and project structure with capability and knowledge for long time supply of naval platforms and systems to Brazil, and for export.”

The consortium is committed to delivering an offset package they believe will match the expectations of the Brazilian Navy, the company told Jane’s .


Specification required by Brazil


SIGMA 10514 PKR Frigate: Details