Tu-160 - Интернет-газета «Реальное время»
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MOSCOW, September 5 (Itar-Tass) - RIA Novosti. Predesign work on a prospective supersonic passenger aircraft is now at the final stage, there is a preliminary understanding of the price and characteristics, told RIA Novosti deputy general director for the design of PJSC "Tupolev" Valery Solozobov.
"Tupolev Design Bureau is already completing pre-design work on a supersonic passenger aircraft, which were conducted and conducted in cooperation with the leading scientific organizations of the country - VIAM, CIAM, TsAGI, KB Aviadvigatel," Solozobov said.
In the course of further work, it is planned, together with leading institutes, to complete studies on ways to reduce sound impact, to conduct appropriate experiments, and to build an experimental demonstration aircraft for preliminary flight testing.
"Based on the results of full-scale tests, it will already be decided on the final technical appearance," the source added.
Features and price
Speaking about the preliminary characteristics of a prospective aircraft, Solozobov noted that the number of seats would be about thirty, the takeoff mass would be 70 tons, and the speed would be in the range 1.4 to 1.8 Mach.
At the ground, the speed corresponding to 1 Mach is equal to about 1224 kilometers per hour. At an altitude of eleven kilometers due to the temperature drop, the speed of sound (1 max) is lower, about 1062 kilometers per hour. Thus, at an altitude of eleven kilometers, the aircraft will be able to accelerate from one and a half thousand to 1,900 kilometers per hour.
"Considering the considerable experience of Tupolev Design Bureau in the design of long-range passenger and military supersonic aircraft, as well as the technical and technological reserve for the reproduction of the Tu-160, created with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, two basic versions have been worked out: with a wing of fixed and variable geometry, 160 and Tu-22, which significantly increases the takeoff and landing characteristics, "- said the Deputy General Director.
As for the price of the supersonic aircraft, Solozobov noted, according to the preliminary results of the cost design, in the first years of production the aircraft will cost a little more than the subsonic long-range Tu-214, which is now produced at the Kazan aircraft plant in small series in specialized modifications.
Earlier, Russian Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov in an interview with RIA Novosti reported that Russia does not stand still in the matter of creating a civil supersonic aircraft. According to him, the main problem of supersonic aviation is overcoming the sound barrier.
In January, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed to make a civilian version of a supersonic aircraft based on the strategic missile carrier Tu-160. The United Aircraft Corporation reported that it is working on a supersonic passenger plane in which the developments and technologies used in the Tu-160 can be used.
Source: ria.ru
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