Thursday, 6 September 2018

Russia to revive the world's largest amphibious aircraft Beriev Be-42 / A-40 Albatros

Be-42 / A-40 Albatros -

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Russia will resurrect the world's largest amphibious aircraft

In Russia, the fleet of amphibious aircraft will be completely updated. At present, the anti-submarine Be-12, developed by Beriev's Design Bureau, carry naval service. These "flying boats" of a very respectable age: on the first flight they set off in 1960.

They were replaced by Soviet aircraft builders, the A-40 "Albatross" amphibious aircraft was developed. Structurally, it also represents a "flying boat" made according to the high-plan scheme. The aircraft is able to take off and land on land, thanks to the chassis.

Be-42 (such an index he received in the Beriev bureau) is the largest and the largest amphibious aircraft in the world, its take-off mass is capable of reaching 90 tons. "Albatross" can carry a few torpedoes, anti-submarine missiles, depth charges, mines and buoys. Soviet "flying boat" has put almost one and a half hundred various records. The first flight was carried out in 1986.

Unfortunately, after the events of 1991, the Be-42 project was suspended. The theme of its renewal has been repeatedly discussed, but in 2012 the Russian Defense Ministry announced a lack of interest in the Albatross. However, in 2016, the Black Sea Fleet announced the need to completely replace the obsolete Be-12 with the Be-42.

The official representative of the United Aircraft Corporation said at the Gyelendzhik Gidroaviasalon about the readiness to revive the not-lost A-40 "Albatross"


Beriev Be-42 / A-40 Albatros 

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The largest amphibian plane in the world. Designed to replace Be-12. First flew in 1986. Entered service in 1990.

The A-40 amphibian aircraft is intended for antisubmarine warfare in the near coastal zone at any time of the day and year, in VFR and IFR weather conditions.

The aircraft is provided with an inflight refueling system.

Its onboard equipment provides for automatic solution of flight/navigation problems, search, detection, tracking and destruction of hostile submarines both in surface and submerged positions and on the sea bottom.

Be-42 / A-40 Albatros -

The equipment comprises a search/sighting system, a flight control and navigation complex, communications facilities, and other equipment. The search/sighting system consists of radar, sonar and magnetometric subsystems.

The A-40 aircraft armament system comprises antisubmarine torpedoes, missiles, conventional and nuclear bombs.

The aircraft is powered by two D-30KPV cruise turbofans producing a takeoff thrust of 12,000kgf each and two RD-36-35AFV booster turbojets producing a 2,900kgf thrust, respectively. The engines are started by means of an auxiliary power unit. The cruise turbofans are equipped with a thrust reverser, thereby reducing the landing roll and the abortive takeoff distance.

Beriev BE-200: Details