Sunday, 9 September 2018

Beriev Company signed contracts with the representatives of USA and Chile to deliver 16 Be-200ES amphibious aircraft


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PJSC "TANTK them. G.M. Beriev "during the exhibition" Gidroaviasalon-2018 "signed a contract for the supply of ten amphibian aircraft Be-200ES in the US

September 8, 2018 during the exhibition "Gidroaviasalon-2018", signed a contract for the supply of ten amphibian aircraft Be-200ES in the US. The contract was signed by General Director-General Designer of TANTK Yuri Vladimirovich Grudinin. On the other hand, the document was signed by the President of Seaplane Global Air Services Patrick Massardi.

The contract provides for the supply of four Amphibian Be-200BC aircraft and an option for another six such aircraft. The first two aircraft will be equipped with engines D-436TP, the rest with SAM-146 engines.

Director General of TANTK Yu.V. Grudinin appreciated the agreement: "Over the years, the Be-200ChS amphibious aircraft has proven itself in the EMERCOM of Russia and in Europe. It was originally created as a fire-fighting aircraft with the ability to take 12 tons of water in 20 seconds. We hope that this order will be the beginning of Seaplane Global Air Services' great advancement of our Be-200BC aircraft to the American and European markets. "

In turn, Seaplane Global Air Services President Patrick Massardi stated that "We committed ourselves to helping our customers combat forest fires using the most efficient aircraft available on the market, and so we opted for the Be-200 with its speed characteristics, the range of flight and the amount of discharged water, and our pilots are ready to fly on this outstanding aircraft. "

In 2003, the Be-200BC amphibious aircraft was certified by the IAC Aviation Registry in accordance with the AP-25 standards. In 2007, an addition was received to a type certificate allowing Be-200ES to be used to transport 43 passengers on medium-length routes at basing, both at aerodromes and on water. In 2010, a European type certificate (EASA) was obtained. At the moment, the Be-200ES aircraft is mass-produced in Taganrog.

Source: uacrussiaru

UAC Russia

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