Monday, 22 October 2018

Qatar cancels the procurement of three Boeing E-737 AEW&Cs

Qatar opts not to complete E-737 AEW&C deal

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

18 October 2018

Qatar has decided not to proceed with the procurement of three Boeing E-737 Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft that was first announced in 2014, Jane's was told on 18 October.

The US manufacturer said that the Gulf state has chosen not to complete the transaction, which at the time it was announced during the DIMDEX 2014 exhibition in Doha was valued at QAR6.6 billion (USD1.8 billion in 2014 dollars).

Boeing did not say why Qatar has not fulfilled its procurement, though it appears that the company had expected to complete the transaction as recently as March, with a video playing on its stand at DIMDEX 2018 featuring the E-737 in Qatar Emiri Air Force (QEAF) markings. The Qatari Ministry of Defence did not respond to a request for comment.

The QEAF currently has no airborne early warning capability and the procurement of the E-737 would have represented a significant boost in its capabilities. Having decided not to proceed with the E-737, it is unclear if Qatar is considering an alternative or if it has decided not to field an airborne early warning capability altogether.


Related post:

Boeing 737 AEW&C Wedgetail: Details