"Admiral Kasatonov" - RussianDefence.com
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The frigate "Admiral Kasatonov" will go on sea trials before the end of November
In the second half of November, the Severnaya Verf plans to launch the first serial frigate of the project 22350, the Admiral Kasaton, to factory trials. About this on Thursday, October 11, reported Mil.Press FlotProm in the press service of the company.
According to representatives of Severnaya Verf, the ship’s construction readiness is now 99%.
"In preparation for the ZHI, responsible executors were appointed for various areas of testing, a transfer team is formed, its training is organized to obtain the right to independently manage and service technical equipment, the ship is completed with the necessary equipment and inventory," the company’s press service noted.
The crew of the frigate is working on board and, together with the builders, is preparing for the upcoming trials.
In March 2018, "Admiral Kasatonov" passed the test check. The commission examined residential, office, sanitary facilities, a medical unit in the ambulatory and an insulator, checked the availability and operation of emergency and rescue equipment, fire extinguishing systems, air conditioning, diesel generators, compressors, refrigerators and other equipment. After that, the crew began settling the ship.
The transfer of the frigate to the fleet is planned for 2019 .
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" Admiral Kasatonov " - the first serial ship of the project 22350. "Severnaya Verf" transferred to the fleet the lead frigate " Admiral Gorshkov " in July this year. Its construction lasted more than 12 years.
The frigates of project 22350 were designed in the early 2000s and were intended for mass construction (with a series of at least 30 units). According to the state armament program, it was planned to hand over eight ships of this type until 2020.
Project 22350 ships have a displacement of 4,500 tons, their length - 135 meters, width - 16 meters. Travel speed is up to 29 knots, cruising range is up to 4500 miles, autonomy is up to 30 days. The crew - 180-210 people.
The frigates are armed, in particular, with 16 cruise missiles “Onyx” or “Caliber”, as well as the Polimen-Redut air defense missile system.
Source: flotprom.ru
Admiral Gorshkov Class Frigate Project 22350: Details