Sunday, 28 February 2021

T-14 on the basis of "Armata" for the first time in history found a target without the participation of the crew

Vitaliy Kuzmin

Image source: RIA Novosti

According to an informed source, the new Russian tank was able to independently, without the participation of crew members, find and recognize the target.

Russia continues to refine its most advanced main battle tank (MBT) - the T-14 based on the "Armata". As an informed source in the defense industry told RIA Novosti, the vehicle for the first time in the history of tank building was able to find and recognize targets on its own. The crew members did not take part in this.

During one of the stages, the fire control system (FCS) was tested on a special stand. “Tests were also carried out at the test site, where samples of Russian armored vehicles were used as search targets for the“ Armata ”. According to the results of all stages, the compliance of the system efficiency with the declared combat characteristics was confirmed, ”added the agency's source.

According to him, the fire control system is equipped with a digital catalog with signatures of typical targets: it includes infantry fighting vehicles, tanks, helicopters, and so on.

Tower T-14
Image source: wikipedia

Thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, on-board computing facilities themselves can search for targets: this is realistic even if part of the object hides a shelter. Selection of targets and their support is possible. Search and target acquisition is carried out by a combined system operating in both visible and infrared ranges. In this case, the decision to defeat the target is made by the MBT commander.

It is worth saying that automation elements are now present on many tanks, however, no other MBT probably has such an "advanced" OMS as today.

Information about the automatic testing of the T-14 was confirmed by the press service of the Uralvagonzavod concern, the tank manufacturer. At the same time, the corporation did not talk about the details of the tests.

Regardless of the test results, we can say that the T-14 is the most technologically advanced tank. It has an uninhabited tower, a state-of-the-art active defense system, as well as equipment that allows to fully implement the now popular principle of "network-centric warfare".

The downside can be considered the technical complexity and high cost of the complex, which, however, is more or less typical for any modern tank.

We will remind, recently it became known that Germany signed a contract for a new version of the Leopard 2, equipped with a complex of active protection (KAZ) Trophy. And last year, the US Army for the first time received production tanks M1A2 SEP V3 Abrams, also equipped with KAZ. It is also worth saying that in the future, the Americans want to get a new light tank, and France and Germany are planning to replace their MBTs with a new generation tank.

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