Sunday, 7 February 2021

The new serial Il-76MD-90A was named after the aircraft designer Genrikh Novozhilov - YouTube

Ivan Zubov - AviMedia

Новому серийному Ил-76МД-90А присвоено имя авиаконструктора Генриха Новожилова - YouTube

The new serial Il-76MD-90A was named after the aircraft designer Genrikh Novozhilov On January 29, on the territory of the Ulyanovsk-Vostochny airfield complex, a solemn ceremony was held to confer the honorary name of Honored Aircraft Designer Genrikh Vasilyevich Novozhilov on the Il-76MD-90A heavy transport aircraft. The aircraft was built at the Ulyanovsk aviation enterprise Aviastar-SP JSC.

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