Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Russia officially announced its readiness to shoot down Israeli planes in case of further raids on Syria

Vladislav Perminov

Россия официально заявила о готовности сбивать самолеты Израиля в случае дальнейших налетов на Сирию »

21-02-2021, 09:35  
Anna Lisova  

Russia officially announced its readiness to shoot down Israeli planes in case of further raids on Syria
Russia could shoot down Israeli planes in the future if they pose a threat to the Russian military. 

This was stated by the special envoy of the President of Russia Alexander Lavrentiev. 

Speaking with a report on the situation in Syria, he noted that Moscow's patience with Israel's actions in Syria has already run out. Israel continues to attack Syrian territories, despite calls to act more balanced and abandon aggression. And if Tel Aviv does not listen to Moscow, then Russia will have to go to harsh retaliatory measures. 

“Sooner or later, the cup of patience, including the Syrian government, may be overflowing, and a retaliatory strike will follow, which will accordingly lead to a new round of tension. These attacks must be stopped, they are counterproductive. We hope that the Israeli side will hear our concerns, including concerns about the possible escalation of violence in Syria, ”Lavrentiev said.

According to experts, given the fact that these words were heard within the framework of an official statement, this should serve as a serious signal to Israel. Such a reaction from Moscow is quite obvious, since the Israelis attacked areas in which, among other things, Russian troops were stationed, not to mention civilian Syrian citizens. 

If Israel continues to ignore Russia's demands to stop attacks in Syria, then Russian forces may go to intercept Israeli aircraft. But if this does not help, then Russia may well use its air defense systems and even strike at Israeli aircraft, which will pose a threat to the Russian forces deployed in Syria. 

Source: Information Agency "Informing",
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