Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Expert Popov: the appearance of the Russian Iskander at the NATO borders will greatly upset the United States


Эксперт Попов: появление «Искандеров» РФ у границ НАТО сильно огорчит США - Глас.Ru

14 June 18:52

June 14 - GLAS. Military expert Vladimir Popov believes that the Russian Iskander can spoil the mood of the US generals

It turned out that NATO plans to conduct military exercises in the Ukrainian territories in the near future, because of which this will pose a threat to the Russian Federation due to the close location of the alliance with the Russian borders. However, Moscow has found a way to respond to NATO by creating its own West 2021 exercise, which is slated to begin this fall.

“The exercises will also be held with the participation of a Russian missile brigade equipped with powerful Iskander-M tactical missile systems. These maneuvers will be an excellent opportunity for Russian missile engineers to hone their skills, however, generals from the United States and other countries of the Alliance can clearly upset. "

It also became known that Belarus will also take part in the West-2021 exercise.

Earlier GLAS reported that the Ukrainian role in the US and NATO exercises was overstated, since the country was only required to provide territory. Military expert Alexander Kots shared a similar opinion.
