Sunday, 18 June 2017

Unconfirmed report that an Arab nation has ordered 400-500 T-90SM

пока шепотом, чтобы не спугнуть сделку, но арабы уже болтают... 400-500 штук , включая машинокомплекты для сборки в Египте Source:

"So it is quite possible that the negotiation process went into the preparation stage of the contract. However, the country-buyer remains unknown."

"By the way, T-90cm have been tested in the one of the Arab countries. And to show their best side.

So its good export prospects. And talk about a contract for the supply of its overseas is not groundless." Translated by google - Source:

The country is said to be Egypt.......

Related post:

T-90MS/SM: Details