Aviation Photography Digest
GAO: Fix security flaws or anyone will be
able to track a F-22
By: Daniel Cebul
WASHINGTON ― Some of the military’s most advanced
aircraft could be tracked by adversaries, with greater precision than radar, if
security flaws in the latest signal technology aren’t addressed.
The risk is associated with Automatic Dependent
Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out transponder technology. According
to a Government Accountability Office report released this month, a
2010 Federal Aviation Administration rule requires all military aircraft to be
equipped with ADS-B Out transponders by Jan. 1, 2020, as part of its program to modernize the air transportation system,
but neither the Department of Defense nor the FAA has taken significant steps
to mitigate security risks.
Whereas older transponders like the Mode S broadcast an
aircraft-specific International Civil Aviation Organization code, squawk code
and altitude, ADS-B Out technology provides much more detailed information. An
aircraft’s registration number, longitude and latitude, dimensions and velocity
are all broadcast by ADS-B Out transponders, allowing anyone with a ADS-B In
receiver to track aircraft with more precision than radar.
Using a commercially available receiver, the GAO was able
to track several types of military aircraft. The watchdog agency pointed to the
risk that adversaries could do the same, and may leverage the technology’s
inherent vulnerabilities to launch electronic and cyber attacks against
aircraft. Adversaries may also attempt to jam ADS-B Out transmissions to
obscure air traffic control and surveillance visibility, or spoof transmissions
by creating false signals to confuse monitors.
Furthermore, a 2015 RAND assessment concluded that
broadcasting detailed, unencrypted information about the position of a fighter
aircraft like the stealthly F-22 ― which is classified secret ― poses
significant security risks to DoD personnel and missions.
With the 2020 deadline approaching, the GAO warns there
is an “urgent need” to address these security risks and plan for ADS-B
implementation. The GAO explains that while the risks are known, “DOD and FAA
have focused on equipping military aircraft with ADS-B technology and have not
focused on solving or mitigating security risks from ADS-B.”
Despite knowing of these risks to military missions and
security since 2008, DoD and FAA have not approved any of their proposed
solutions. Most of the DoD’s proposed fixes, such as masking DoD aircraft
identifiers, allowing pilots to turn off ADS-B and exemptions for select
aircraft nullify the benefits the technology has to offer.
More precise tracking data could allow for increased air
transportation system capacity, enhanced airspace safety, a reduced number of
cancellations and delays, lower fuel consumption and even lessen the adverse
environmental affects associated with flying.
Original post: c4isrnet.com
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