Wednesday, 3 January 2018

"The C-27J, Turkey Service Ready" special report

Alenia C-27J Spartan

The C-27J, Turkey Service Ready

January 2, 2018

MSI Magazine published on the 153'ünc "The C-27J, Turkey Service Ready" special report titled, was shared by MSI Magazine's website:

The C-27J, one of the airplanes competing against the Republic of Turkey under the auspices of the Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM) within the scope of the light transport aircraft requirement of the Land Forces Command and the General Directorate of Security, was held by the Italian Air Force at Pisa Air Base on November 23 tour. The Italian Air Force, in the context of the event, described the capabilities of the C-27J, a purebred tactical transport plane, in the first instance.

The Italian Air Force is stationed at the Pisa Air Base The C-27J, which has been operating with the C-130J in the 46th Air Brigade, has been successfully performing military and humanitarian missions since 2007. Colonel Simone B., who worked as a teacher pilot, first appeared in front of the press members in the event organized by the Italian Air Force to explain this success and the customer satisfaction he created with reference to the C-27J. Following the presentation of Lieutenant Colonel Simone B., who did not disclose his surname for confidentiality, introducing the brigade and describing the technical features of the C-27J, Eduardo Munhos De Campos, Director of Marketing and Sales, Leonardo Aircraft Division, described the features of the C-27J that distinguish him from his competitors. Following the presentations, participants also had the opportunity to experience in the simulator, the aircraft. Activity,…….Read rest of article: HERE

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