Friday, 31 August 2018

Algeria interested in the purchase of 14 MiG-29M / M2 fighters

MiG-29M2 - Airguardian YouTube

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The fighter went to the second Algerian circle

Air Force can buy a squadron of MiG-29M / M2

Kommersant learned that Algeria, one of the largest buyers of Russian aviation equipment, showed interest in the purchase of 14 MiG-29M / M2 fighters that could replace the Soviet-made MiG-29S from Byelorussia and Ukraine in the Algerian Air Force. The MiG Corporation will not only receive several hundred million dollars in profits, but will also ensure the loading of its production facilities for several years to come. Russia's last attempt to enter the Algerian market with the MiG-29SMT was made in 2006, but the customer, having received the first 15 cars, returned the fighters to the manufacturer due to the presence of substandard parts in them.

The fact that Russia and Algeria are conducting closed negotiations on the purchase of the MiG-29M / M2 squadron told Kommersant that two sources in the field of military-technical cooperation told the source, while the source in the Russian military department explained that the parties are discussing the sale of 14 new cars. The amount of the potential contract (taking into account the aviation defenses coming in the kit) is estimated at $ 700-800 million, one source at Kommersant says: "We presume that the signing of a firm contract will be possible in the near future." In the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, Rosoboronexport (negotiating with the Russian side) and the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), they refrained from commenting yesterday. The Algerian military delegation attended last week at the international forum "Army-2018" in Kubinka,

Algeria is one of the largest buyers of Russian aviation equipment. Over the last ten years, the fleet of their air force was updated with Su-30MKA fighters (44 units were received under a contract from 2006, 14 by agreement from 2015), Mi-26T2 transport helicopters (14 units), Yak-130 combat training aircraft (16 cars). In addition, the Algerian military began to receive Mi-28NE combat helicopters (42 units were contracted in 2013). According to the expert of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies Konstantin Makienko, the activation of Algerian purchases was facilitated by "NATO intervention in Libya": "If before 2011 they were still looking at the products of Western countries, then after these events they realized: partners are more reliable than Russia and China in such sensitive issues , as arms exports, just do not. "

Now the Algerian Air Force is armed with several dozen Soviet MiG-29S and MiG-29UB delivered from Ukraine and from Belarus. In 2006, Algeria wanted their park to be renewed, having contracted 28 new single-seat MiG-29SMTs from Russia and six two-seat MiG-29UBs. However, the deal fell through: after receiving the first 15 aircraft, the customer accused the Russian side of using used parts in them and insisted on returning the aircraft to the manufacturer ( see "Kommersant" on February 18, 2008 ). Subsequently, 28 MiG-29SMT units entered the arsenal of the RF Ministry of Defense, and in 2014 the military bought another 16 such fighters.

The Algerian order for the MiG-29M / M2, coupled with the ongoing supplies of 46 such aircraft to Egypt, will allow RAC MiG to load its capacities for several years ahead, says a source from Kommersant in the aviation industry: "Against the backdrop of the plans of the Russian military to purchase the MiG-35 ( in 2018-2023 in the army should be delivered 6 machines . - "Kommersant" ) this order will be a good help for the corporation. "

Note that, in addition to the "Migov" products, Algeria also looks at other aviation equipment: in particular, to the Su-32 bomber and the Su-35 multipurpose heavy fighter. In February 2016, the Su-35S, assigned to the 159th Guards Fighter Regiment of the 105th Mixed Air Division of the 6th Air Force and Air Defense Army of the Western Military District, flew to the Tamanrasset Algerian testing range for demonstration flights. Before the contract, however, it never came.

Ivan Safronov


MiG-35/35D Fulcrum-F: Details

MiG-29M/M2 (iz.9.41S/9.47S)

Crew:    one pilot (or pilot / pupil and pilot / instructor, for the MiG-29M2)

Drive:        two Klimov RD-33MK twin-turbocharged motors with a maximum draft of 5,400 kp / 9,000 kp with auxiliary combustion off / on

Radar:         Multi-purpose impulse Doppler radar with flat slit antenna with FGM-129 (N010ME) electronic scanning Žuk-ME with field of view ± 85 ° in the horizontal plane and + 56 ° to -40 ° in the vertical plane installed inside the fuselage. This type of radar is used to search and track airborne, terrestrial and surface targets. Additionally, radar images of terrain with a resolution of 5 x 5 m can be used to help. The radar type Žuk-ME has a "look down" mode and is able to observe 10 air targets (and 4 of them to navigate the airplane) or 2 ground / objectives. Air targets with RCS 5 m 2this type of radar can be detected at a distance of 110 to 120 km. Its tracking range is 50 km. While a group of combat vehicles is a Juk-ME radar, it is able to detect a distance of 25 km, a massive bridge over a distance of 120 km, a surface craft of a size of 300 kilometer.

Equipment:    passive electro-optical sensor type OLS-UE. The sensor includes an IR locator and laser rangefinder with a TV viewfinder and serves for passive tracking of aerial targets. Its installation is located inside the dome cover, which is located directly in front of the cockpit, to the right of the hull axis.

Armament:      One 30 mm GŠ-30-1 cannon with 150 rounds of inbuilt left-hand swirl and 6,500 kg undercarriage, transported on eight wings and one body hull - Middle Range PLR ​​with active RL guidance R-77E ( AA-12 Adder ) (max. 6 pcs.), Short Range RCD with passive IR R-73E ( AA-11 Archer ) / TD ( AS-14 Kedge ) (max. 4 pcs) antiship RS active RL guided type Kh-31A ( AS-17 Krypton ) (max. 4 pieces) and Ch-35E ( AS-20 Kayak ) (max. 4 pcs), anti-radar control system with passive RL guidance type Ch-31P ( AS-17 Krypton) (up to 4 pieces), 500 kg bombs with passive TV type KAB-500Kr (up to 4 pieces), rocket blocks type B-8M1 (20 unmanned S-8 rockets 80 mm caliber) , 240 mm unmanned rockets type S-24B (max. 6 pieces), 250 kg uncontrolled bombs type FAB-250, 500 kg uncontrolled bomb type FAB-500 (max 11 pcs), submunitions KMG-U type, 2 150 l PTB type PTB-2150 (max. 1 pcs), 1 150 liters PTB type PTB-1150 (max. 4 pcs.) And PAZ-1MK refueling unit (max.) Source:
