Saturday, 18 August 2018

Over 10 Il-76MD-90A Military Transport Planes Under Construction

Il-76MD-90A - KHMedia YouTube

Over 10 Il-76MD-90A Military Transport Planes Under Construction - Ilyushin

Faizan Hashmi

Russia's Ilyushin Aviation Complex aircraft manufacturer said Thursday it has more than 10 advanced Il-76MD-90A under construction.

MOSCOW (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News / Sputnik - 16th August, 2018) Russia's Ilyushin Aviation Complex aircraft manufacturer said Thursday it has more than 10 advanced Il-76MD-90A under construction.

"At present, three of these transport aircraft are already in service, while more than 10 planes are at various degrees of readiness in production," an Ilyushin press release cited Vasiliy Dontsov, chief IT officer at Aviastar-SP, an aircraft manufacturing plant based in the city of Ulyanovsk in the Volga region.

Aviastar-SP is a subsidiary of the Ilyushin Aviation Complex within the structure of Russia's United Aircraft Corporation.


Source: KURYER

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