Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Thailand buys Dominator UAV from Israel

Dominator unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)

Aeronautics Wins $27m Thailand UAV Deal



July 30--Yavne-based Aeronautics Ltd. (TASE:ARCS) will supply Dominator unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to the Thai Ministry of Defense, the company today reported to the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE). The volume of the deal, which includes UAVs, land equipment, and accompanying services, is $27 million over three years. Payment will be according to the milestones set in the agreement.

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The Dominator, developed by Aeronautics on the basis of a manned aircraft converted by the company into a UAV, can carry up to 1,900 kilograms in special payloads (such as a camera, radar, or bomb), simultaneously and can stay airborne for 20 hours.

Aeronautics said that the Thai Ministry of Defense was one of its veteran customers and that the Thai army had been using the company's UAVs for the past decade.

Aeronautics develops and manufactures UAVs, observation balloons, bomb fuses, and advanced navigational systems. The company is controlled by the KCPS, Viola, and Bereshit funds. Its CEO is Amos Mathan and its chairperson is former Israeli navy commander and former Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. CEO Vice Admiral (res.) Yedidia Yaari, who recently replaced former Israel air force commander Maj. Gen. Eitan Ben Eliyahu.

Aeronautics' share price responded to the news by rising, but has lost nearly 60% of its value since the company went public in June 2017, following weak results and an affair that culminated in the Ministry of Defense suspending Aeronautics' license to market the K1 Orbiter UAV to an important customer in a foreign country (a gag order is still in effect in the affair after a criminal investigation was opened last November).

The company reported a 5% decrease in revenue in the first quarter, compared with the first quarter in 2017, and posted a $1.2 million operating loss, compared with an $858,000 operating loss in the corresponding quarter last year, due to higher research and development expenses, among other factors. Aeronautics' first quarter net loss was $1.8 million, compared with a $180,000 net profit in the first quarter of 2017.

Aeronautics became a public company in the summer of 2017 when the funds controlling the company conducted a massive offer of sale amounting to over NIS 400 million. The company issued new shares for NIS 53 million at the same time to Leumi Partners. Trading on the TASE in Aeronautics' share began at a NIS 1 billion market cap, which has since shrunk to NIS 405 million.


Dominator unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)


The Aeronautics Defense Dominator Medium-Altitude Long-Endurance (MALE) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is manufactured by the Israeli company Aeronautics Defense Systems.  It is based on the Austrian Diamond DA42 passenger aircraft. Dominator UAV executes intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) operations.

The aircraft made its first test flight in July 2009, the unmanned aircraft has an endurance of 28 hours with a 900 lb (410 kg) payload and flies at 75-190 knots (140–350 km/h) to a maximum altitude of 30,000 ft (9,100 m).


Our generic C4ISTAR architecture developed in-house is the core of comprehensive command and control ISTAR systems for today’s network-centric operations. Implemented worldwide across multiple systems, our operationally proven, multi-sensor, multi-platform integrated solutions enable securing land borders, coasts, and maritime domains.

OOur C4ISTAR solutions comprise avionics and navigation controls, real-time command and control software, and advanced high-capacity datalinks. Aeronautics C4ISTAR provide advanced information-processing capabilities required to support mission-critical decision-making, and to control multiple processes that implement military, security and first responders’ personnel, and assets.


Airborne ISR (AISR)
Unmanned aerial platforms carrying multiple sensor payloads are providing users with strategic airborne ISR capabilities, supporting both stand-in and stand-off missions. Aeronautics’ UAS cover areas of interest from different altitudes, utilizing combat proven platforms such as the Aerostar and Dominator XP.

Tactical Airborne ISR (AISR)
Aeronautics offers a wide range of unmanned aerial platforms designed for the Tactical Airborne ISR mission. These include the Aerostar and Orbiter 3LE, capable of long endurance missions at medium and low altitude, to Orbiter 3 and 2B, designed for low-altitude reconnaissance with minimum acoustic and visual signature. All platforms can operate high performance, high resolution EO payloads. Aerostar and Orbiter 3 can also operate COMINT / SAR augmenting the mission with wide area coverage.


Persistent wide-area surveillance (PWAS)
Harnessing multiple payloads carried on UAVs capable of long endurance missions, with and multi-platform control, Aeronautics’ UAS provide efficient solutions for persistent surveillance over wide areas, for military and security applications.
Force Protection
Aeronautics’ systems are operating providing lifesaving surveillance for ground units deployed in areas where high threats persist. Escorting ground unit’s movement, providing surveillance of advance routes, in search of IEDs, using change detection, maintaining persistent coverage of suspected activities. Aeronautics’ small UAS such as the Orbiter 2 can easily operate from forward bases or controlled from moving vehicles. Loitering weapons such as the Orbiter 1K can also act upon intelligence gathered on such missions, engaging targets posing a direct threat to the supported force.

Aeronautics’ systems are particularly suitable for counter terrorist missions, covert missions, enabling direct support and control of imagery sensors by special-forces, using small and ultra-quiet tactical UAS platforms carrying high performance EO/IR payloads, transmitting real-time imagery directly to the users via real-time video links. As a tactical system, the Orbiter can be operated by special-forces for many hours, providing maximum flexibility with minimal exposure.

Artillery Target Acquisition & Fire Direction
We design our AISR-based solutions to support long-range artillery fire and precision-guided weapons, by providing real-time target acquisition delivered by UAS operating deep inside the enemy area. Electrically powered drones such as the Orbiter Mini UAV benefit these high-risk, covert missions. Rapid deployment, real-time imaging, accurate geo-location, stealth capabilities, and high persistence make our artillery support AISR the choice solution. Source: