Tuesday, 25 December 2018

List: Philippine Air Force defense acquisitions and contracts in 2019


MANILA, Philippines — Former Air Force chief Lt. Gen. Galileo Gerard Kintanar Jr. on Friday detailed the list of the upcoming defense acquisitions and expected signed deals for the Philippine Air Force in 2019.

In his outgoing remarks at the change of command ceremony at Villamor Air Base, he said the Air Force is looking forward to the conclusion of three big contracts by early next year: the 16 Black Hawks from the US, which he described as “the best combat utility helicopter in the world”; six T-129 attack helicopters from Turkey, which he said was “at par with the best in the world”; and three ground based air defense systems from Israel......continue reading: HERE

AW159 Wildcat: Details
Gripen Multirole Fighter: Details
KAI Surion: Details
UH-60M Black Hawk: Details
S-70i Black Hawk: Details