Saturday, 17 November 2018

Emergency measures to resolve the critical problems of Russian surface shipbuilding

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"About emergency measures to resolve the critical problems of our surface shipbuilding"

On the web resource published another material of Maxim Klimov "On emergency measures to resolve the critical problems of our surface shipbuilding," which outlines the author's views on this issue.

1. Critical problems:

  • near-field ships are worn out, outdated, in fact, have lost their combat significance; 

  • the ships of the far zone are outdated, worn out, the roads are in operation, only a few are left, the ship "collapse" in the early 2020s is inevitable. 

new projects and modernization: 

  • frigates of project 22350 - 4 ordered, yes, we need a larger ship (project 22350М) - but we don’t have a GEM for it yet, therefore it is advisable to increase the 22350 series (at least to 6 - 3 for the Federation Council and 3 for the Pacific Fleet) ;

  • Corvette 20386 is a vicious concept, extremely weak weaponry, but the main thing is not even this, but the fact that a number of fundamental technical problems regarding the functioning of this project as a combat system have not been solved yet (the first thing is to assess the deformations of the superstructure and foundations of the HEADLIGHTS "HEADLIGHT (and random!), - i.e., stabilization of the beam is not assuredly known!); 

  • BDK project 11711 - with all the flaws of the project today is the most effective project for the far zone (+ such ships are needed just for the functioning of the Navy), and therefore it is absolutely incomprehensible to limit the series to 2 units (and the head for the Federation Council), the required minimum is 2 units 11711 (and modernized with enhanced weapons!) As part of the Black Sea Fleet and Pacific Fleet, with a constant bothering in the far zone (Indian Ocean) of one such BDK;

  • Project 22160 patrol ship - a scam by SPKB and a number of persons - everything is clear by the shortage of speed, after the seaworthy it will be clear (which is already clear now) and on the extremely limited seaworthiness on the use of helicopters and boats; however, the main thing is a vicious and erroneous concept - new threats and conditions require the use of much stronger ships in the far zone; 

  • MTSchch project 12700 is an outdated concept, in fact, it is “a ship before the first modern mine” (on which either the fuel pump itself or its only TNPA will be blown up) + problems with the production of a GEM (PJSC “Zvezda”);

  • The IRC of Project 22800 is the most successful project of the present, but ... it actually was not needed by the Navy (since the upgrading of the MRC of Project 1234 would be much more effective, and not for Uran, but for Caliber!, With the critical problem of the Navy unsecured PLO in the near zone) + problems with the power plant (PJSC "Zvezda"); 

  • BOD project 1155 - modernization is late - because “Tighten up” the maximum service life of cable routes + high operating costs, it is advisable to limit the modernization (“Caliber” - to regular PU KT-100, repair of the air defense system with new units from “Torah”, repair of power plant, new radar, “Minotaur” ...);

  • TARKR project 11442 (M) is terribly expensive, and the concept of this modernization is wrong (the “new Yamato”), obviously the modernization of other ships on this project is impossible financially and inexpedient for operational reasons (what Yamato against aviation in 1945 showed exhaustively) . 

A good option would be a normal modernization of 20380 (“Caliber” on inclined launchers, a “tower” with a radar from 22,800, etc.), but Almaz Central Design Bureau “rested” in 20386 ... 

At the same time, the “near zone” is simply “naked” - both in the part of anti-submarine defense (PLO) and in the field of mine action (MRE), and according to the “long-range”, a collapse awaits us in the coming years. 

2. Solution. 

It is obvious that the Navy and the military-industrial complex are critically necessary mass series of efficient ships - both for the near and far zones. 

And that "that is" is advisable:

  • an increase in the 22350 series by at least another 2 units (3 each in the SF and PF); 

  • 11771 series increase by 2 units (for the Black Sea Fleet and Pacific Fleet); 

  • project 22160 - not to lay new ones, but the only effective opportunity to use the constructed and pledged ones is to ensure the safety of the Nord Stream route; 

  • taking into account the actual situation with the GEM, contacts to the Far Eastern 22800 should be canceled, and the already constructed IRCs (in the “west”) should be completed by using diesel engines and the small output that Zvezda can provide - there are simply no other options; 

  • modernization of the MRK pr.1234 continue with the equipment of the KRO "Caliber" (with inclined PU); 

  • modernization of 12700 in the process of mass production (with the completion of the first buildings) with the elimination of existing shortcomings. 

The main thing - we need new projects:

OVR Corvette; 

expeditionary frigate "far zone"; 

A new small PMK (TSS and in the future - BST). 

Due to deadlines, “shipbuilders” blame contractors, but there are “parts” that can reliably be counted on and provide for the emergency construction of ships, and prevent a “ship collapse” in the early 2020s. It is obvious that, taking into account the financial situation, the cost of new ships should be strictly limited.

The most acute situation on the TLO near zone. From what you can reliably count on - "Kolomna" (GEM) and "Minotaur". The project on which you can quickly “assemble” (and according to the “org. Scheme of Karakurt” - through the State Contract with the plant for construction) is the “small Cheetah”. The real (as shown by "Karakurt") term from "start" to GI is 3 years. At the same time, it is advisable to conduct the construction and delivery of ships in pairs (“half-division”) - taking into account the characteristics of the application (group tactics).

Similarly, by “far-field ship” (“expeditionary frigate”) - “assemble” something that can be quickly and reliably calculated. The power plant is obviously diesel (Kolomna), 3 valny (3xDRA12000). At the same time, it is important to lay down the possibility to install the planned GES 20386 on subsequent ships of the series (so as not to "throw out the results of the ROC" in the basket). At the same time, the term from “start” to GI of 4.5 years is real. 

Suggestions for the appearance of a small corvette OVR. Source: Maxim Klimov

The closest conceptual analogue is a massive (more than 50 hulls) series of the OBV Navy Corps of the People's Republic of China, Project 056.

Corvette Project 056
Proposals for the appearance of a promising "expedition frigate." Source: Maxim Klimov

MSCT 12700 has 3 key flaws: the 

  • outdated concept of the MOP (ship “before the first modern mine”); 
  • knowingly unsecured actual explosion resistance; 
  • inability to solve multipurpose tasks (at least at the level of pr.266M). 

+ to this - problems with a series of diesel engines (real capabilities of PJSC Zvezda - one set per year). Obviously, ships are needed, but they need modernization. 

In this situation, there is simply no alternative to the emergency series of radio-technical equipment based on the project 10750E (with import substitution and increase in performance characteristics). The organizational chart is similar to “Karakurt” (through the state contract with the plant).

In addition, the new PMK project of moderate displacement (about 500 tons) is definitely needed, which really provides a way to a new level of software and meets the highest requirements. But until we get the experience of using (including extended tests and research drills) with new mine action equipment and radio-technical equipment, we cannot even write a valid TTZ for a new PMH today. 

Note. It is advisable to severely limit the cost of ships of new projects: 

  • TGS 2.5 billion rubles; 
  • OVR corvette 5 billion rubles; 
  • “Expeditionary frigate - 15-20 billion rubles. 

3. Organizational issues

There is simply no alternative to using diesel-powered engines to resolve the issue with the power plant ISC pr.22800, in spite of all the “assurances” of officials.

Option - the use of diesel engines with M507 with IPC (with their replacement with OVR corvettes) provides the already constructed and incorporated IRCs, even taking into account the capabilities of one “Star”, i.e. This is a reliable and guaranteed solution to the problem. 

At the same time, it is advisable to raise the question of “BU” not only for 507 vehicles, but also for everything possible - for example, the artillery at the stern of the IPC and MRK (naval personnel) is in quite good condition and with a large resource it makes a lot of sense (as they do in other fleets) use it on new ships. Similarly, permission to use, in agreed cases, products for general industrial use or those with a Register.

Given the situation and the "legal conditions", this decision (resolution) can be made only by the Supreme Commander. Accordingly, it is advisable to urgently prepare a report and documents on these issues. 

Author: Captain 3 rank reserve Maxim Klimov

Proposals for the appearance of a promising "expedition frigate" (c) Maxim Klimov

Admiral Gorshkov Class Frigate: Details
Project 22350M Frigates: Details
Project 11711 Ivan Gren class: Details
Project 22160 Class Patrol Ships: Details
Karakurt-class corvette (Project 22800): Details
Project 20380 Steregushchy Class Corvettes: Details
Jiangdao Class (Type 056): Details