Friday, 27 April 2018

US Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) plan to upgrade seven Royal Thai Navy (RTN) Dornier 228 maritime surveillance aircraft

Royal Thai Navy Do 228 maritime surveillance aircraft - RUAG

US plans upgrade for Royal Thai Navy Do 228 maritime surveillance aircraft

Richard Scott, London - Jane's Navy International

26 April 2018

Plans are being developed by the US Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) for the upgrade of seven Royal Thai Navy (RTN) Dornier 228 maritime surveillance aircraft under the US government-funded Building Partner Capacity programme.

Used for maritime patrol and exclusive economic zone surveillance, the Do 228 aircraft are currently configured with a Telephonics RDR 1550B radar and a FLIR Systems Star SAFIRE II electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) turret. According to a request for information (RFI) issued by NAVAIR on 23 April, the planned upgrade will include the introduction of new sensors and mission systems.

Specific components listed in the RFI include a multimode radar with a minimum detection range of 160 n mile (296 km); an EO/IR five-axis stabilised multipayload system; a communications package including beyond line of sight (X-band) and datalink; avionics systems including navigation, automatic direction finding, instrument landing system, flight management system, traffic alert and collision avoidance system, and ADS-B transponder; a mission operator station and operating software; AIS; electronic support measures; and a mission data recorder.

Original post:

The aircraft are currently configured for the Maritime Surveillance role including a Telephonics RDR 1550B RADAR and FLIR Star SAFIRE II Electro/Optical Infrared turret, which will need to be upgraded with the following equipment:

1.    Multi-mode surveillance RADAR upgrade

•a.    Minimum detection range of 160NM

•b.    Terrain Mapping, weather avoidance, beacon navigation and display of navigation information from the aircraft navigation system

•c.    Compatible with EO/IR

•d.    SAR/ISAR capable

2.    Electro Optical Infrared

•a.    High-performance, long range imaging

•b.    High-resolution color spotter scope

•c.    Matched multi-FOV optics

•d.    Multiple payloads

•e.    5-Axis stabilization

•f.     Low-Light/Near IR CCD

•g.    Automatic target tracker

•h.    Cooperating with the multi-mode radar

3.    Communication Equipment

•a.    VHF radio (118.0-136.9916 MHz) amount 2 EA

•b.    Multi band FM/VHF/UHF radio (30.00-399.75MHz) amount 1 EA

•c.    High frequency (HF) Radio (2.99-29.99MHz) amount 1EA

•d.    Beyond Line of Sight (BLoS) in the X-band

•e.    Data Link System (EX Link RTN)

4.    Navigation System

•a.    Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) System amount 2EA

•b.    Instrument landing system (ILS) amount 1EA

•c.    Very high Frequency Omni-direction Rang (VOR) amount 2EA

•d.    Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) amount 2EA

•e.    Flight management system (FMS) amount 1EA

•f.     Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) amount 1EA

5.    Identification

•a.    ATC Transponder (ADS-B Transponder system) amount 1EA

6.    Mission Operator Station

•a.    Palletized or removable operators station

•b.    Operating software

7.    Additional Equipment

•a.    Automatic Identification System. (AIS)

•b.    Electronic Support System. (ESM

•c.    Mission recorder (DVR)

In addition to the aforementioned upgrades, the RTN will require operations and maintenance training, spares, and associated special tooling and support equipment for the mission system installation. Source:

Dornier Do-228 Light Transport Aircraft

Royal Thai Navy

The Do-228 is a twin-engine, multirole light transport aircraft designed and developed jointly by Indian aircraft manufacturer Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and RUAG Aerospace, Germany. It is derived from a Dornier Do-28 aircraft.

Around 270 Do-228s were built and 127 of them are in service worldwide, including the Indian Air Force and the Royal Netherlands Air Force.

The Do-228 can be deployed in passenger and cargo transportation, as an air taxi, for corporate purposes, for aircrew training, maritime surveillance, search and rescue, border patrolling and medical evacuation missions. Source:


Garrett AiResearch TPE-331 turboprop engine

Source: RUAG