Wednesday, 7 March 2018

US Army tanks get futuristic shields to destroy incoming threats

By Allison Barrie | Fox News

U.S. Army M1 Abrams tanks are being upgraded with a sort of invisible shield that will destroy incoming antitank missiles and other threats before reaching the tank.

Known as Trophy, this cutting-edge technology will provide M1 Abrams tanks with 360 degree protection from threats.

Since the 1950s, the Army has been determined to give tanks something called “active protection systems.” The goal of these sorts of systems is to stop incoming projectiles before they reach the tank – creating a sort of invisible shield around them.

The Army has chosen Raphael’s tech to upgrade 261 M1 Abrams tanks with Israeli-made Trophy active-protection systems. For nearly a decade, Trophy has already been protecting Israel Defense Force Merkava main battle tanks and relied on in conflicts in the Gaza Strip for example. Now approximately 3 brigades worth of U.S. tanks will also bring Trophy into battles.

Several relevant militaries have already equipped some of their tanks with active protection systems. Russia is one country that has been aggressively ramping up their tanks and other assets with active protection systems like Trophy. They’ve also armed them with a deep arsenal of anti-armor weapons that can seriously damage or destroy the targeted tank in spite of its armor.

And the U.S.? In addition to the iconic Abrams tank, the Army is upgrading a number of other combat vehicles. The Abrams M1A2 SEPv3 is expected to provide a significant improvement. This latest version of Abrams delivers a better hull armor and turrets. They also feature enhanced radio systems and power generation amongst other enhancements.

For example, should a conflict erupt with Russia, then American tanks absolutely must be prepared to counter Russian firepower. Trophy is an important step to better protect American soldiers and match adversary capabilities.

What is Trophy?

The Trophy Active Protection system, aka “Windbreaker," gives tanks 360 degrees coverage. The system includes four antennas and two rotating launchers mounted on the tank.

If an enemy launches a weapon, like an anti-tank missile, at a U.S. Army tank protected with Trophy, radar or sensors recognize and locate the incoming threat. Tracking radar identifies what kind of threat has been launched at the tank. It distinguishes a rocket from an anti-tank missile, for example.

Trophy instantaneously works out where the weapon would strike. If the missile will strike the tank, then it swings into action to protect the soldiers.

The system figures out the necessary firing angles to intercept the incoming weapon. The computers relay the firing angles to the two launchers positioned on either side of the tank. The launchers rotate to the correct position and fire a countermeasure.

The counter-measure intercepts the anti-tank missile aimed at the U.S. Army and destroys it at a distance before it can reach the tank.

One countermeasure option can be a sort of giant, powerful shotgun loaded with buckshot approach. Trophy can fire canisters filled with ball-bearings at the enemy projectile to defeat it.

Invisible shields

Active projection systems create a sort of protective bubble around a tank. Systems like Trophy aim to prevent any incoming threat from getting close to the tank and stop them at a distance away from it. To do so, systems like Trophy use visible countermeasures like the canisters.

Another countermeasure in development to fortify this shield around the tank is entirely invisible. Electromagnetic signals can be fired off to interfere with incoming threats and against prevent them from penetrating this protective bubble and reaching the tank.

One concern is the detonation of threats in the battlespace.

If Trophy fires a countermeasure and the enemy missile for example is detonated, then safety for those outside the tank could be an issue. While it may not pierce that protective bubble around the tank and successfully prevent Soldiers inside from being wounded, the detonation of the enemy weapon outside the bubble could put nearby dismounted troops at risk.

During the past couple of years, the Army leased and purchased some Trophies to test and investigate and resolve these sorts of concerns before moving forward with the large-scale Trophy upgrades to their M1 Abrams main battle tanks.

Original post:

TROPHY™ Active Protection System (APS)

The World’s First and Only Fully Operational, Combat-Proven APS

M1A2 SEP v3 prototype fitted with the Trophy APS

By proactively detecting, locating, and (if necessary) neutralizing anti-armor threats, TROPHY™ dramatically increases platform survivability, and creates a new paradigm of networked threat awareness for maneuver forces.


  • Defeats all known anti-armor, shaped charge weapons (missiles, rockets, tank-fired HEAT) before they strike the platform
  • Enables networked threat awareness by pinpointing and Reporting shooter location across the battle management system
  • Greatly improves platform protection, with very low risk of collateral injury, without increasing armor or sacrificing vehicle performance 
  • Networked Threat Awareness ensures freedom of movement and maneuver, retaining the initiative and maintaining offensive momentum.

TROPHY™ sensors detect and identify incoming threats anywhere around the vehicle.  TROPHY™ then points and fires a countermeasure to neutralize the threat before it can strike the vehicle. With no additional heavy armor or decrease in vehicle performance, TROPHY™ dramatically improves the survivability of the crew and vehicle under its protection.

TROPHY™ employs actively scanned radar to provide continuous 360-degree protection of the vehicle. U.S. Army requirements demand that an APS must be capable of protecting vehicles under all conditions.  Radar is superior to other sensors as a primary threat detector due to its greater effectiveness in adverse combat conditions like smoke, sand, dust, mud, glare and battlefield explosions.

Once the threat is detected, an onboard computer classifies the threat and, if a hit is probable, the countermeasure launcher slews into position and launches a tight pattern of explosively formed penetrators that neutralize the warhead before impact or detonation. TROPHY™ allows the user to customize its protection based on existing threats, the operational environment, and published rules of engagement.

Emphasizing the new concept of Networked Threat Awareness and Response, TROPHY™’s job isn’t done when an enemy missile is defeated. The same sensors that track the shots at the vehicle also paint a target on the shooter. The system automatically locates the shooter, allowing an immediate response from the crew. They can focus on returning fire, maneuvering out of contact, activating slew-to-cue weapons and sensors or calling for fire support.  At the same time, TROPHY™ automatically transmits the engagement data to the battle management network, giving friendly forces immediate enemy information.  Free from worry about enemy rockets and missiles, and empowered with unparalleled threat awareness, armored forces can now retain their signature dominant offensive power and momentum on the battlefield.
