Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Naval Strike Missile (NSM) will replace Harpoon anti-ship missile aboard German Navy F123, F124, F125 and MKS180 frigates


Kongsberg's NSM to Replace German Navy Frigates' Harpoon Anti-Ship Missiles

At Balt Military Expo 2018, the naval defense exhibition held recently in Gdansk, Poland, Navy Recognition learned from a Kongsberg representative that the company's Naval Strike Missile (NSM) will replace the RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missile currently fitted aboard German Navy (Marine) surface combatants: F123, F124, F125 and MKS180 frigates will be getting the Norwegian missile as part of the cooperation agreement between Norway and Germany.

Navy Recognition understand however that the K130 Batch II (five additional Braunschweig-class corvettes to be delivered to the German Navy from 2022 to 2025) will still be fitted with Saab RBS-15 Mk3 anti-ship missiles (as planed) because of the involvement of German company Diehl in the missile. The F122 Bremen-class of frigates will not receive the NSM because the last two vessels of the class will be decommissioned soon like the first six which are already out of service. The class is being replaced by the F125.

About NSM

The NSM is a fifth generation anti-sip missile, developed by KONGSBERG for the Norwegian Navy. NSM reached Initial Operational Capability on the new Norwegian Fridtjof Nansen Class frigates and the new Norwegian Skjold Class corvettes in 2012. It is also fielded by the Polish Navy (coastal defense batteries) and has been selected by the navies of Malaysia and Germany. NSM was also selected a few weeks ago as the winner of the U.S. Navy Over-The-Horizon Weapon System (OTH WS) competition.

NSM has an operational range of 185 Km (100 nautical miles) and a high subsonnic speed. It uses Inertial, GPS and terrain-reference navigation and imaging infrared homing (with target database).

Hans Kongelf, Vice President of Missile Systems at Kongsberg previously told Navy Recognition that the main strength of the NSM are:

- Defense penetration capabilities thanks to its stealth, extremely low sea-skimming flight profile and high G maneuvers.
- Target recognition: Each NSM is fitted with a library of ship profiles to recognize each ship classes.
- NSM is available today, it is in production, fielded by the Royal Norwegian Navy, the Polish Navy and selected by the Royal Malaysian Navy and German Navy.......Continue reading: HERE

Related article:
Kongsberg awarded US$26.8m contract to deliver its Naval Strike Missile (NSM) to the navies of Germany and Norway

Kongsberg’s Naval Strike Missile: Details
F125 Baden-Württemberg Class Frigate: Details
MKS-180 multi-role warships: Details
Sachsen class F124 frigates: Details