Friday, 27 July 2018

"Ilyushin" began to develop the systems of the first pilot IL-112V

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Specialists of the Transport Aviation Division of PJSC UAC started testing systems mounted on board an experimental flight sample of a light military transport aircraft IL-112V.

Specialists of the Transport Aviation Division of the United Aircraft Corporation (DTA PJSC UAC) began testing systems mounted on board an experimental flight sample of a light military transport aircraft IL-112V.

"Today, specialists of PJSC" VASO "and PJSC" IL "in the final assembly shop began to work onboard systems of the first pilot IL-112V. The completion of these works will be the signing of the relevant act and the transfer of the aircraft for terrestrial frequency tests and a cycle of airfield workings, "said Alexei Rogozin, General Director of PJSC" IL ", Vice-President for Transport Aviation of PJSC UAC.

The light military transport aircraft Il-112V is designed for transportation and airborne landing of up to 5 tons of light weapons and military equipment, cargo and personnel, as well as a wide range of various cargoes for commercial aircraft operation. In the future, the IL-112 will be replaced not only by the AN-26, which it surpasses by 2 times in transport efficiency, but also will compete with the best world transport aircraft of this class.

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Il-112V Light Military Transport: Details