Sunday, 15 July 2018

Second MC-21 aircraft continues flying tests in new livery

MC-21 in new livery - Irkut YouTube

The second MC-21 aircraft continues flying tests in new painting

On July 11, 2018, the second MC-21-300 test aircraft flew painted in a new colour.

The flight lasting 3 hours 7 minutes was performed at the airfield of the Irkutsk Aviation Plant, a branch of Irkut Corporation (a UAC member). The flight task included checking of aircraft systems and taking aerodynamic corrections for the air-speed parameters measurement system. The aircraft reached the altitude of 9,000 meters. All systems operated normally.

The white colour was selected for painting the second aircraft to demonstrate high quality of airframe surface and precision of joints of fuselage sections.

Development and manufacturing of MC-21 aircraft is based on the integrated employment of digital technologies. Manufacturing of airframe's units and its assembly are performed at the new automated assembly line. Laser measurement systems and computer-controlled positioners (movable supports to ensure 3-D moves of units) provide minimal errors in joining airframe parts. 

Development tests of the second flying MC-21-300 aircraft has been undergoing at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant since 12 May, 2018.


IRKUT Corporation
Published on Jul 11, 2018
Второй самолет МС-21-300 продолжает летные испытания в новой окраске

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