Friday, 20 July 2018

Russia's military and space forces experimenting on joint patrol of MiG-31K and Tu-22M3 bombers with hypersonic "Dagger" missiles, as well as fighter cover over the Caspian Sea - Video

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In the South-East of the East, the VCS works out the application of the DGK "Dagger" (video)

Published on 07/19/2018 | | @AviaRu

Russia's military and space forces are working on the joint use of the MiG-31K and long-range Tu-22M3 bombers with aerial ballistic dagger missiles "Dagger", as well as fighter coverers over the Caspian Sea , the RF Defense Ministry reports.

"Since April 2018, as part of the strategic containment of MiG-31 aircraft with the" Dagger "complex, scheduled air surveillance over the water area of ​​the Caspian Sea is being carried out," the report said.

In the course of this exercise, the issues of planning, training and joint use of the Dzhazhin air-launched missile systems and Tu-22M3 long-range missile-bombers, as well as the fighter aviation cover for the actions of air strike groups, have been thoroughly studied.

Practical actions of different types of aviation strike complexes have allowed to confirm the high efficiency of their joint application when striking missile strikes against enemy targets. As a result of the measures taken, all the assigned training tasks were carried out with high quality and in a timely manner. The flight crew received the skills of joint practical actions to destroy land and sea targets.

According to Lieutenant-General Sergei Dronov, deputy commander of the Russian Air Defense Ministry, since December 1, 2017, the VKS has carried out more than 350 flights of a squadron equipped with MiG-31K fighters with hypersonic missiles Kh-47M2.

"In the Southern Military District, an air squadron equipped with" Dagger "complexes with hypersonic missiles began operating on the experimental military alert since December 1, 2017. During this time, more than 350 flights were carried out, 70 of which were carried out with refueling of the aircraft in the air. with the crews of the Long-Range Aviation in the first ten days of July, an aerial-tactical exercise was conducted with practicing practical actions to defeat land and sea targets, "said Dronov.

The Ministry of Defense notes that simultaneously with the carrying out of experimental and combat duty, the testing flights continue to be carried out to expand the combat capabilities of the Dagger complex.

Source: aviation21ru

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