Sunday, 1 July 2018

Multi-Purpose Helicopter (PHM) Atlantic (A 140) commissioning ceremony at Davenport

PHM Atlântico – Foto: Tenente Tássia Navarro / Centro de Comunicação Social da Marinha

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Multi-Purpose Helicopter (PHM) Atlantic (A 140) commissioning ceremony at Davenport 

Multi-Purpose Helicopter (PHM) Atlantic is incorporated into the Brazilian Navy

On June 29, at the Royal Naval Base in Devonport, Plymouth, United Kingdom, the "Atlantic" Multipurpose Helicopter (PHM) Weapon Show took place and the assumption of the Command of the ship by the Captain of the Sea and War Giovani Corrêa.

The ceremony was chaired by Fleet Admiral Ilques Barbosa Junior, Chief of Staff of the Armada, and was attended by the Brazilian Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Mr. Eduardo dos Santos and the Commander of the United Kingdom Navy Station, Vice Admiral Ben Key. Mrs. Patrícia Monteiro da Costa, godmother of the ship, conducted the first Flag Ceremony on board.

The ship will add to the Brazilian Navy important amphibious capabilities and naval operations with embedded helicopters to maintain the safety of the South Atlantic and the defense of the country's maritime interests anywhere on the planet.

Designed to operate with up to seven aircraft in its convoy and 12 in the hangar, it can transport 500 to 800 Marines Operational Groups and design them by helidransport or surface movements, employing its four landing craft, from a distance of up to 200 miles from the coast (about 321 km). It also has several planning rooms for the use of Staff.

It is equipped with a Combat System that integrates the Command and Control System LPH CMS, four 30mm DS30M Mk2 guns, two Radars 1007, a Radar 1008 and the very latest Radar Artisan 3D 997, with high detection and monitoring capacity.

In the next three weeks the ship will undergo an intensive training program in the port and at sea with the recognized and rigorous Instruction Center of the United Kingdom Navy Flag Officer Sea Training. The arrival in Brazil is scheduled for the end of August, close to the anniversary of the Naval Aviation.


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Guerreiro Naval
Guerreiro Naval
Guerreiro Naval

Guerreiro Naval
Published on Jun 29, 2018
PHM Atlântico commissioning ceremony held on 6/29/2018 at Davenport base - Cerimônia de comissionamento do PHM Atlântico realizada dia 29/6/2018 na base de Davenport

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