Sunday, 1 July 2018

South Korea Defense Acquisition Program Administration, or DAPA unveils first images of KF-X design

Four Meteor long-range air-to-air missiles developed by MBDA are shown to be nestled under the fuselage, while two IRIS-T short-range guided air-to-air missiles are mounted on respective wingtip launchers. (South Korean Defense Acquisition Program Administration)

South Korea unveils first images of KF-X design with European missiles

By: Jeff Jeong   

SEOUL, South Korea ― South Korea’s arms acquisition agency unveiled June 29 the preliminary design of the KF-X fighter aircraft, nearly 30 months after the launch of the indigenous fighter development program in January 2016.

The disclose of the preliminary KF-X design came after the Defense Acquisition Program Administration, or DAPA, held a preliminary design review, or PDR, between June 26 and June 28 of the 4.5-generation twin-engine jet to decide whether to proceed to the next phase of critical design review, or CDR.

“Through the PDR, we’ve confirmed that all system requirements are met in the preliminary design so as to enter the CDR stage,” said Jung Kwang-sun, head of DAPA’s KF-X Program Group. “We plan to complete the detailed design work by September 2019 and begin the production of prototypes.”........Continue reading: HERE

Published on Jun 30, 2018
KFX C-109 final model finally announced - KFX C-109 최종모델 드디어 발표

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