According to DAPA, Marado is fitted with new navigation radar, infra-red sensors and fixed panel 3D surveillance radar (in place of the Thales SMART-L 3D radar fitted aboard the Dokdo), all developed in South Korea. The ROK Navy also mentioned a new anti-ship missile defense. "Domestic weapon systems such as navigation radar, anti-missile defense system, and improved combat system will be installed in Korea, and anti-aircraft detection capability is also improved by installing a fixed air defense radar. In addition, major equipment and facilities such as propellers and lifts are also localized, which will improve maintenance and reduce maintenance costs." says the (translated) press release.
Another major difference is that Marado's flight deck has been adapted to accomodate the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey tilt rotor aircraft. Several DAPA images show the Osprey on the flight deck. Based on DAPA images, Marado appears to be fitted with two Phalanx CIWS: one at the bow and one at the stern. Source:
Published on May 18, 2018
K Force TV - South Korea ROKS Marado (LPH 6112) Helicopter Carrier Launched [1080p]
Dokdo Class (LPH): Details