Thursday, 7 June 2018

Aviation of the Russian Navy will receive two multi-purpose Su-30SM aircraft in June

Su-30SM - Airguardian YouTube

In June, the Naval Aviation of the Russian Navy will include two multi-purpose Su-30SM aircraft. It is planned that the aircraft will be included in the naval aviation of the Baltic Fleet. Source:  Минобороны России

Within the Attack Aviation rearmament programme of the RF Defence Ministry and the Navy High Command, the Naval Air Force will receive two Su-30SM multipurpose multifunctional aircraft in June this year. The commissioning ceremony will take place at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant airfield.

The aircraft are planned to enter the Baltic Fleet Naval Aviation. The PJSC Irkut Corporation as the state defence order’s lead executor provides the series production of highly manoeuvrable multipurpose fighters Su-30SM. The aircraft has been developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau, and is being produced at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant (Branch of JSC Irkut Corporation).

The Su-30SM multifunctional super-manoeuvrable aircraft is equipped with the phased array antenna radar, engines with controlled thrust vector and anterior horizontal empennage. The aircraft is capable of using modern and prospective high-precision air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons. Also, the aircraft can be used to train pilots for advanced multipurpose super manoeuvrable single-seat fighters. Source: