Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Pratt & Whitney Canada chooses Thai Aerospace Industries to Co-Develop MRO Engine Service Centre in Thailand

RTAF F-16  - Thai internet images

Pratt & Whitney Canada and Thai Aerospace Industries signed MoU Service Centre in Thailand

Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) develop strong long-term partnership with key business in Thailand market co-Develop maintenance Repair Overhaul (MRO) engine service centre by Thai Aerospace Industries Co., Ltd, a subsidiary Asia Aerospace Group (HK) who leading MRO provide comprehensive products, services engines for the PT6A, PT6B, PT6C, PC6T and PW100 families for aircrafts and helicopters included that the Government of Thailand designed TAI as its prime contractor for support and maintenance engine in a frame a Performance-Based contract (PBC), P&WC agree to provide support to Thai Aerospace Industries (TAI) to perform organisational and intermediate level (respectably "O" and "I" level) maintenance activities and associate support on the engines operated by the Government of Thailand.

The details of such support shall be discuss between Pratt & Whitney Canada and Thai Aerospace Industries with included depot level ("D" Level) Pay Per Hour (PpH) maintenance Repair Overhaul (MRO), Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) and Project Management Office (PMO) with in country technical and engineering support as when required to ensure engines fleet available as per Government of Thailand performance indicator.  P&WC and TAI have signed MoU on DATE to work on a Performance-Based Contract (PBC) proposal to be submitted to Government of Thailand. 


The goal is to elevate aircraft maintenance service in Thailand to meet global standards under the Federal Aviation Administration, European Aviation Safety Agency and International Civil Aviation Organization.

Under the agreement, Pratt & Whitney Canada will provide technical support, material management assessment and training.

The parties will set up a maintenance repair operation in Thailand, though the company declined to disclose the location.

The Royal Thai Armed Forces, Royal Thai Police and the government operate a fleet of helicopters and aeroplanes equipped with more than 200 Pratt & Whitney engines.

The government has outlined policies to promote U-tapao airport as a regional aviation hub, a major part of the flagship Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) business scheme.

The move has attracted several of the world's leading aircraft and parts manufacturers from the US, Europe and China to signal their interest in investment in the EEC. Source:


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